PAYG CTO Logo with company name (PAYG CTO) and tagline (Strategic Technical Leadership)
A text image saying: Driving Sustainable Growth for B2B Tech Companies (in gold on white) Strategic technical leadership that transforms ideas into solutions your customers love. (in dark blue on white)
A text image saying: Driving Sustainable Growth for B2B Tech Companies (in gold on white) Strategic technical leadership that transforms ideas into solutions your customers love. (in dark blue on white)

Are You Failing to Meet Your B2B Growth Demands?

Strategic technical leadership is vital for the success of software-enabled products and services to ensure they meet customer needs and foster sustainable growth.

When your strategy fails to align technology with business goals and customer experience, you risk fading into obscurity.

Have you noticed these hidden signs of impending failure?

  • Your onboarding process is methodical, but dropout rates are increasing.
  • You develop new features regularly, but engagement and retention are low.
  • Your customer base is growing, but performance issues are increasing.
  • Your scaling and reach are expanding, but operational costs are soaring.

To avoid these fatal pitfalls, you need strategic technical leadership that not only meets but also accelerates your business goals.

Fractional CTO services offer this seasoned leadership without the commitment of a full-time executive.


Welcome to PAYG CTO!

I'm Mark Batty, and through my company, I provide strategic technical leadership, tailored for B2B from product launch to scalable growth.

My expertise is industry-agnostic, bridging the gap between business and technology. I take a holistic approach, considering dimensions including business operations, product innovation, technology resilience, process efficiency, and organisational culture.

Proven Expertise

With over 30 years' experience spanning software engineering, technical management, and strategic leadership, my efforts have achieved 20% savings in development and 25% in operations, secured R&D grants, and sustained development through COVID.

These efforts accelerated launches to first revenue, boosted system performance by 35%, increased productivity by 15%, and achieved zero attrition rates.

Human-Centred Leadership

My leadership philosophy prioritises human centred transparency and honesty.

By employing Socratic and transformational leadership, I foster critical thinking, continuous improvement, innovation, and commitment.

This creates inclusive, innovative cultures where individuals thrive, teams and organisations operate efficiently, and customers transform into advocates.

My approach not only nurtures creativity and resilience but also reduces turnover, enhances productivity, and strengthens reputation, ensuring a dynamic environment where everyone can excel.

Tailored Engagement

My services are never one-size-fits-all. From leading MVP development to enhancing efficiency, I provide dynamic, adaptable services tailored to your specific needs.

My services are flexible pay-as-you-go, part-time, interim, and retainer-based consulting.

Engagements range from a few hours per month to several hours daily; a typical engagement is 2 hours per day over 6 months, ensuring a custom fit to your specific challenges and growth phase.


"builds strong professional relationships with stakeholders to fully understand their needs... the management, execution, and delivery exceeded our expectations."

"worked closely with us to understand our needs and consistently delivered... beyond our expectations"


I provide a comprehensive range of services designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities at each stage of your growth:

  • Lead development: Lead MVP development prioritising features that address critical user needs, ensuring the MVP is built on a robust foundation with iteration based on early user feedback.
  • Accelerate onboarding: Implement a feedback loop with first customers to inform product development and ensure the solution evolves in line with customer need.
  • Refine Product Market Fit (PMF): Analyse feedback and market trends to swiftly adjust product strategy, fostering a culture of agility to refine product direction to meet market demands.
  • Cultivate Growth: Develop a technology strategy to support a growing customer base, considering infrastructure and new features to ensure a smooth customer experience as usage increases.
  • Scale Efficiently: Develop scalable systems and processes designed for efficiency by streamlining operations and implementing best practices to ensure a resilient and adaptive ecosystem.
  • Optimise Revenue: Leverage technology to refine monetisation strategies and identify new revenue streams through technical innovation to optimise user experience and retention.

PACKAGES FROM £1,500/month

Discover the transformative benefits of my CTO services for your B2B growth demands.

Contact Me to Learn More


My fractional CTO services are your on-demand, pay-as-you-go technical leadership solution with unique benefits:

  • Cost: notable savings compared to full-time counterpart when salary, holidays, and other benefits are considered in full.
  • Expertise: experience in both technology and senior leadership to provide specialised knowledge and unique insights.
  • Flexibility: the ability to adjust the level of engagement with a fractional leader to suit current needs in a dynamic market.
  • Objectivity: a fractional leader provides objective perspectives and insights without influence from internal bias.


My consultation process is simple, strictly confidential, and obligation-free.

Schedule Your Discovery Call

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